Spoiler Update
by Brian S. Griffin

My previous Smallville article on this blog has alot of spoilers, and now, thanks to comic-con, alot more have been released, and are as follows:
1. Season 9’s theme is “Clark’s darkest hour.”
2. Clark Kent (Tom Welling) is getting a little obsessed as the Red Blue Blur, his crime-fighting alias. “He is trying a little too hard to be a hero, and is leaving the rest of his life behind.
3. Look for a season-long love triangle with Clark, Lois, and Red-Blue Blur.
4. At the end of last season, the Isis Foundation set was torn down, for the Justice League Watchtower set.
5. Chloe, still grieving over Jimmy’s death will immerse herself in all things Watchtowerish.
Some tension for Clark when she realizes she’s no longer content just being his sidekick.
6. We’ll find out why Clark isn’t flying in a scene with him and Jor-El (the returning Terence Stamp) in the season premiere.
7. Metallo will be in the first 2 episodes, this season.
8. Episode 9.02 or 9.03 focuses on Oliver’s downward spiral.
9. Clark is going to be wearing a blackish trenchcoat with a silver “S” logo as he embraces the heroic image that fans of the “red and blue blur” have been placing upon him.
10. According to Justin Hartley (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow), a bit of tension builds between Oliver and Clark over the fact that Clark is leaving his “S” symbol around following a rescue he does. Why, Oliver wants to know, does Clark need the attention?
11. Callum Blue, who plays Zod, provided some very interesting information. The Zod we meet is an earlier version of the villain from Superman II. This is MAJOR Zod, who has come to earth, with some segment of an army, from Krypton’s PAST. He doesn’t know who Clark is, has no idea where he is or what is going on. And initially he doesn’t have his powers.
12. The notion that Zod has come from Krypton’s past raises a number of issues, which no one will confirm or deny, though based on facial reaction, one can assume that Jor-El will indeed be appearing on the show. It also raises issues of whether or not this can impact on the timeline. For instance, can Clark somehow save Krypton? If he does, however, that planet’s survival would result in him NOT being sent to earth and ultimately become Superman.
13. It was conceded that the show will play around with the timeline to tell some of the storylines, though it won’t be a constant time-shifting adventure ala Lost.
14. Alessandro Juliani will reprise his role as Dr. Emil Hamilton for several episodes this season.
15. Alison Mack will be directing another episode this season, and Tom Welling, who is now a co-executive producer on the show, will be directing two episodes as well.
16. Geoff Johns will be writing a Justice Society episode of the show. The Justice Society is an earlier superhero team that existed decades before the Justice League.
17. It seems that teen angst truly is being left behind, the focus turning fully towards the next step in Clark’s embracing his ultimate destiny.
18. Story-wise, Peterson is not approaching this seasoon as Smallville’s last.
19. Peterson recently had dinner with Michael Rosenbaum, so maybe Lex is still alive!
20. Tom Welling has signed a 2 year contract, so the show will go through a season 10.
They will have a rocky start at first. Lois and Clark will finally start to grow closer,but there’s a love triangle between Lois,Clark,and his alter ego “Blue Blur” as Lois develops a crush on Superman.
Clark will be sporting the first version of his “Superman” suit.It’s not the red and blue one,It’s all black, no spandex, with the silver Superman logo on the front and a long black trench coat that doubles as a cape.

“Toyman” and “Roulette” will be returning this season. Lex Luther is not dead,no other info was given. They just say, he is not dead. We may see a Green Arrow sidekick story as they are brainstorming for one.
Clark and Oliver’s relationship will be tested because Oliver is jealous of Clark’s powers and growing relationship with his ex Lois. Also Oliver makes an attempt to rekindle things with Lois.
Lois will come back from the future and get flashes. Then start to think she has amnesia,and something is wrong with her.Chloe is going to be experimenting with different things in an effort to save the world, including carrying a gun.

The General Zod we see, will be a younger version of him. He’ll be going by the name Major Zod,he will not yet have full control of the troops he’s brought in,he will not be aware that Krypton has been destroyed,and is not yet aware of Clark’s existence.
There will be a time parallel caused by Zod which may cause us to see a possible appearance from Clark’s biological father Jor-El.
Smallville Season 9 Comic-Con Trailer
During the Comic-Con 2009 Interview, Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders gave the following info regarding Season 9.
Brian Peterson has said:
Clark is training with Jor-El and for the first time really embracing what that means to be a hero, trying to give up his human identity, but finding how hard that is when you’re in love with somebody. So that’s kind of the thread, between Lois and Clark and the Blur, and his training with Jor-El, that’s kind of the thread.
Major Zod arrives here with a legion of Kryptonians troops from Kandor.
Major Zod, not a General yet – younger and more manic.
The orb may be a portal to Krypton’s past, so this Kandor is of the past.
Not the present version, which Kara thought somehow survived.
The season premiere will explain why Clark doesn’t fly, and why he’s wearing the costume he has right now.
We won’t see him flying until he embraces being Superman, that will be the final stage – him deciding who he wants to be.
“It’s a different side of Superman. It’s very exciting. The film, the footage that’s coming in, it looks like a motion film.”
“This is a different incarnation of Zod”. “We’re introducing him as Major Zod—this is before he became General Zod.” Souders added that “over the course of the season, the venomous side of Zod rises because he experiences a few key betrayals with our beloved characters.”

Season 9 Episodes:
9.01 Savior
This is the season premier, which features Major Zod (Callum Blue), a younger version of Zod.

9.02 Metallo
Mild-mannered reporter John Corben suffers an accident, then a procedure, which transforms him into a cybornetic organism, a cyborg. In the comics, his robotic body, is powered by a green kryptonite heart. If the same holds true, then he may be after the kryptonian orb, from which he could draw unlimited power to sustain himself. Thereby getting powers like Clark.
9.03 Rabid
9.04 Echo
A villian from the past returns in this episode.
Oilver ends up at a seedy club in Havana with two women in tow, and later ends up being chased by a large drug kingpin. He ends up having to be saved by one of his on-again, off-again associates and romantic partners.
Meanwhile, Clark weaars a texedo and a bow tie to gain entrance into the Ace of Clubs and goes by the name “Kennair”. His “date” to the AoC is Lois in an elegant cocktail dress.
Lois and Clark go to Metropolis General to interview a man held hostage, but it seems it may be a false lead. This still causes Clark’s “reporter instincts” to get “kicked into high gear”.
Lois and clark also interview a female hostage.
It seems that Clark might get a new power to hear others’ thoughts in this situation, hence the title.

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